The most valuable thing for you is your face. We ensure a harmonious whole when it comes to your face.


Face masculinization

Transgender patients would like to be recognized in their true identity at first glance. Consequently, the gender reassignment is not only about adjusting the primary sex organs, but also the entire body and, above all, the face.

There are many surgical options to transform a typically female face into a typically male face by carrying out small interventions.

What cosmetic corrections are possible when it is about the masculinization of the face?

What lets a face appear more masculine? – Clinic Dr. FunkA masculine face has distinctive features and a lower fat percentage. This is why it is more angular. The following procedures may transform a female into a masculine face.

Reconstruction of the forehead

The main difference between the male and the female forehead is the thickened browbone. Above the eyebrows, men typically have a raised area called browbone. Above this point, the male forehead drops more steeply having a sharper angle in profile. The surgical forehead reconstruction can offer a compensation for these differences.

Nose correction

The perceived nose contour significantly influences the perception of a face as masculine or feminine. A man's nose is on average larger than a woman's nose. It is often even a little more curved and the nose tip points downwards. The angle between the nose and the lip in men is a maximum of 90 degrees.

Hairline correction

On closer inspection, you can notice that the hairline is deeper in men than in women. So that a face looks more masculine at first glance, this area of the face can be adapted to the new identity as well.

Eyebrow correction

The eyebrows frame the eyes, which are essential for the facial expression. As a rule, genetic men have larger eyebrows, which are straight grown and closer to the eyes. This makes the man's eyes appear slightly smaller than the woman's eyes. In our beauty clinic, we can perform eyebrow corrections giving the face a more distinctive and masculine expression.

Cheek correction

The female face has higher cheekbones than the man's face. We have the option of milling off the cheekbones surgically to make them flatter. This way the face will look more distinctive.

Masculine face: correcting forehead, nose, cheeks, eyebrows – Clinic Dr. FunkEarlobe correction

In the facial area, even small interventions can often make a crucial difference. A woman naturally has smaller earlobes than the genetic man has. However, the increasing age results in an enlargement of the earlobes, so that the differences in size are no longer so pronounced. However, as part of an earlobe correction, protruding earlobes can be applied, and fully grown ear holes may be corrected. In addition, the proportions between the ear and the earlobe can be adjusted.

Jaw correction

There is a significant difference between men and women for what concerns the jaw line. The male jaw is wider and more pronounced than the female one. Surgical interventions such as the modification of the jaw angle can help change the jaw shape so that the entire face gets a more masculine on the outside.


The genetic man's chin protrudes further and has a more angular shape than the female one. With a chinplasty, the chin shape may be modified so that it looks more angular and, consequently, more masculine.

Lip correction

Genetic men naturally have thinner and longer lips than women have. In men, the distance between the upper lip and the nose is greater. With a lip correction we may obtain a surgically compensation for the differences. In this manner, we make an important contribution to the masculinization of the face.

When is the best time for the masculinisation of the face?

Getting a more masculine face, when should I start? – Clinic Dr. FunkGenerally speaking, interventions for the masculinisation of the face are feasible at any time. Some transgender patients have the surgery on the primary sex organs performed at first. Other patients make the decision to only have facial adjustments made for the time being.

The earlier you start your gender reassignment, the better it will be. If hormones are already taken in adolescence, then they do not make the typical female characteristics too pronounced; instead, through testosterone the face gets more masculine. Often, either no corrections at all or only minor corrections will be needed.

What effect can the face masculinization have on patients?

Even minor changes have a great impact on the face. Through a targeted modelling of the facial areas such as the forehead, the nose, the jaw of the chin, you can achieve an effect result.

Transgender patients often reach more self-confidence through masculinization interventions. They recognize their identity in the mirror. This way, the patients get a much better contact with their bodies. In turn, this has a positive effect on their entire social behaviour.