Facial feminization by means of an eyebrow correction

Feminine eyebrows for transgender women – Clinic Dr. FunkThe eyebrows are an integral part of the face. They form the frame of the eye and are responsible for pronounced facial expressions and gestures since they express essential emotions such as fear, anger or fright.

In addition, the eyebrows are also a crucial visual distinguishing feature between men and women. Their position can be modified in the context of an endoscopic lifting of the eyebrows. This gives a male face more feminine features.

In order to achieve the ideal result for transgender people in the context of feminization, there are many options. To get a comprehensive overview, please click here: Feminization of the Face.
Another option for the feminization is the adaptation of the cheeks. Here you can find information about this method: Correction of the cheeks


What does the typical eyebrow of men and women look like?

Look more feminine with an eyebow correction – Clinic Dr. FunkThe male eyebrow is typically bulkier than the eyebrow of a woman. In addition, it is placed on a slightly lower position than that of the women. It is also horizontal, while the male brow is straighter.

The female eyebrow is placed slightly above the orbital edge. Furthermore, it is more curved and has a curve.

The crucial aspect of the eyebrow of the woman is the last third, because the outer area of the eyebrow is significantly higher than the inner area.

How is the eyebrow correction carried out?

There are different options when it is about the eyebrow correction. The surgeon discusses them with the patient in advance. The available methods of the eyebrow correction include a suture lifting or a surgical intervention.

Eyebrow correction with a suture lifting

The main difference between the male and female brow, besides the position above and below the orbital edge, is the shape of its last third. This area can be easily modified by carrying out a suture lifting.

What is an eyebrow correction? – Clinic Dr. FunkThe suture lifting is a minimally invasive method in which the outer brow is locally anesthetized. A polylactic acid suture is passed under the skin through small punctures.

The eyebrow is slightly raised by a small barb and is then fixed in the new position. The suture and the hook will dissolve during the coming months while new connective tissue will be formed. The disadvantage of this method is the following: The results of the suture lifting are usually not intended to be permanent. So, the intervention has to be repeated after a few years.

Eyebrow correction made by a surgical intervention

In order to achieve a lateral rise of the eyebrows in the long term, we usually recommend a surgical intervention. A cut is made on the upper edge of the eyebrow. After that, a small piece of skin is removed.

The eyebrows are raised and protentional asymmetries are balanced out. Subsequently, the small one is neatly sewn up again. This method is ideal in particular when the brow is covered with a lot of tiny hairs.

Eyebrow correction in the context of a face or forehead lifting

If you decide to have a forehead or face lifting or a lowering of the hairline in the context of the gender operations, we can combine this operation with an eyebrow correction. The positive lateral effect is that this intervention also has a rejuvenating effect on the face.

The face or forehead lifting is carried out according to the same principle as the pure eyebrow correction.

Small cuts are carried out at the hairline. The skin of the face is carefully removed from the forehead. After that, the excess skin strip is removed. The forehead is tightened and smoothed during this intervention; at the same time the eyebrows are raised which permits the achievement of a lifting effect.

How effective is an eyebrow correction in the context of a gender reassignment?

In particular in case of surgical interventions in the facial area, minor changes usually have a very extensive effect. This is the reason why the raise and shaping of the male eyebrow can make your face look significantly more feminine.

This makes eyebrow correction an important component of the whole process of gender reassignment. Questions related to the eyebrow correction in the context of the gender reassignment.

FAQ to the eyebrow correction in the context of the gender reassignment

Click on the questions to view the answers.

This can often be relocated to the hairy part of the temple. Consequently, it is barely visible from the outside.

The intervention to correct the eyebrows is comparatively small and is often carried out on an outpatient basis. Expect a maximum hospital stay of one day.

After approximately 7 days you will usually no longer feel any impairment.

Depending on the chosen lifting method, the usual surgical risks are to be expected. The affected area may feel numb for a certain time. There is redness and swelling in the surgical are. However, these manifestations subside after a few days. No permanent impairments are to be expected after an eyebrow correction has been carried out.

Unfortunately, the cost of cosmetic surgery during the gender reassignment process is not covered by the health insurance. The real cost of an eyebrow correction varies depending on the method you choose. The best thing to do is to make an appointment for an initial consultation in our beauty clinic. There we will discuss the options for the eyebrow correction depending on your physiognomy and make you an individual offer.