Breast reduction in transgender patients

The female breast is a strong identity feature of a genetic woman. So, it is quite understandably that this breast is perceived as a nuisance by transgender patients. In the context of the breast reduction, we can bring the female silhouette into a male shape in this area. This intervention to achieve a breast reduction is also called mastectomy.

The male and female breast

The male and female breasts do not differ significantly from one another in terms of their disposition. Both breasts consist of glands, fat, and connective tissue as well as veins, nerves, and lymph vessels.

Body masculinization: possibilities of a breast reduction – Clinic Dr. FunkIn addition, the female breast has milk ducts and a body of fat that begins to grow due to the influence of the female genital organs during the period of puberty.

However, the male breast does not develop any further during the period of puberty. However, it is transformed into a kind of plate made of connective tissue. The nipple remains small and dainty, and the pectoral muscle is often visible under the fatty tissue.

Various options of breast reduction

There are various options and approaches when it comes to the reduction in size of the female breast. If the transgender patient naturally has a very small female breast, liposuction and subsequent tightening of the skin tissue does sometimes suffice to achieve the desired breast adjustment.

However, in case of a larger and more pronounced female breast, cutting techniques are implemented to reduce the breast size. In addition to the fat, the breast tissue is also to be removed and the position of the nipples must be corrected.

Reduction of the nipples and areola

Genetic women often have a much larger areola than men do. In the context of the breast reduction, this part of the breast can also be adjusted and reduced in size. If needed, we are also able to change the position of the nipples surgically.

This is the typical procedure when it comes to a breast reduction

If the breast of the transgender patient is very round and feminine, then the operation will be a little more complex than if it is just about liposuction. Here in the following, we are glad to show you the course of the operation.

Transgender body masculinization: the procedure of a breast reduction – Clinic Dr. Funk1. Medical preliminary interview

In our beauty clinic we specialize in transgender patients. You are welcome to make an appointment with us for a preliminary interview about breast reduction. During this interview, we will discuss the options when it comes to the adaptation of your naturally feminine body to your masculine identity.

2. Day of the surgery and anaesthesia

The breast reduction surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. On the day of the operation, the patient comes to the clinic. There the patient undergoes a few more preliminary examinations and is then placed under general anaesthesia at the start of the operation.

3. Surgical incision

After having completed the preparations of the surgery, a surgical incision will be carried out. The surgeon tries to position it as inconspicuously as possible under the arm and/or inside a skin fold. After that, the surgeon removes the glandular and fatty tissue.

4. Further surgical adjustments

If needed, further surgical adjustments are carried out at a later stage. Among them, there is the reduction of the areolas and the nipples.

5. Tightening of the skin tissue

In general, after having carried out the breast reduction, the skin tissue on the breast needs to be tightened.

FAQ about Breast reduction in transgender patients

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If a breast liposuction suffices to shrink the female breast, no visible scars will be left. However, frequently, it will also be necessary to tighten the skin which may result in minor scars. Even if incision techniques are used for the removal of the breast and the fat tissue, minor scars may remain. However, the said incisions are usually placed in such a way that they are almost invisible under the arm or inside the skin fold.

The breast reduction surgery is associated with the usual surgical risks. You will be informed about them during the consultation with the physician. Of course, there you also have the chance to ask your personal questions. In general, however, breast reductions are among the low-risk interventions which usually proceed without any complication.

The common side-effects of a breast reduction include bruising in the operated area. The risk of a necrosis, the death of tissue, especially in the area of the nipples, may be reduced to a minimum with modern surgical techniques. After the intervention, the patients have to be prepared for a feeling of pain or pressure.

If the patient is recognized as a transgender patient, some health insurance companies will bear the incurred costs of the mastectomy. In general, the decision whether the costs will actually be covered or not is made on a case-by-case basis. In any case, it is worthwhile to submit your application to the health insurance company.